- The PC ships separately from the cabinet. We manually email cabinet tracking, while PC tracking is sent by our automated system.
- The keys can be found in the coin slot.
- The game discs are for backup purposes only and already loaded on the PC, you can simply store them inside the cabinet.
- You will be connecting a total of 4 USB cables to the PC, 2 power cords (one for the PC and one for the cabinet), an audio cable, and an included HDMI cable for video from the PC to the TV. If your PC only has 3 USB ports on the back, there are 2 more on the front (behind a door on some models).
- The Purple and Green round connectors on your X-Arcade and inside the machine are not used!
- The cables for the PC are bound with a wire tie and ready for hook-up, you can carefully cut/unscrew the wire tie to get the full length of the cables.
- Set your TV's display mode to "Game" to reduce video lag.
- The green/white cable is not needed (for connecting coin door only), simply store it in the cabinet.
- The X-Arcade Tankstick manual is a general manual for using the control panel itself, as it uses the same electronics.
The PC is shipped separate from the Machine, here is how to get things up and running:
Initial Setup:
- Open the rear door and place the PC in the bottom-left section of the Machine with the back of the PC facing to the right. Be sure not to cover the vent on the side of the PC case.
- Open the control panel tray (it opens like a school desk) and put the keyboard and mouse inside. If you got a wireless keyboard/mouse, find the USB dongle inside the mouse and plug it into the PC. If wired, run the cables to the PC through the hole in the center, and then connect the USB connections into the back of the computer,
- The control panel cables are already waiting near the PC (they have a purple and green connector on the same cable, but they are not used), connect the 2 USB plugs for the control panel to the USB ports on the back of the PC.
- The audio cable is also already waiting near the PC, connect the green/black headphone cable into the green headphone jack on the back of the PC (typically the center port).
- You will find the HDMI cable in one of the boxes included with the shipment. Connect one end of the HDMI cable into the back of the PC, connect the other end into the HDMI-in on your TV.
- The serial switch box (labeled A/B/C/D) switches the CONTROLS between the PC (switched to A) and consoles (switched to C). Since you will most likely only want to use the PC, make sure the switch is set to A.
- Plug one end of the power cable that came with the PC into the back of the PC, and the other end into the white power strip.
- Connect the other power cable between the cabinet and your wall socket, then turn on the power switch on the back of the cabinet and on the power strip if needed.. A surge protector is recommended which will also give you an easier way to power on/off the cabinet without having to get behind it.
- Power on the PC and wait for it to fully boot. The screen will go black on the first boot for a few minutes while it scans the games for the first time.
Basic Operation:
IMPORTANT: If the light on the top-right of the control panel is not lit, it will not work. Try switching the serial switchbox from A to B, and then back to A again.
- To choose a game, first pick which system you want to play using the joystick or trackball, then press the Player 1 Start button (white button with 1 man on it). Use the joystick/trackball again to scroll the list of games and press Start again to start one.
- After you start an Arcade game (MAME menu games only), use the left pinball flipper button closest to you to insert coins, and then press the white Start button(s) with men on them to play. If a game only used 1 button, then it will always be button 1 closest to the joystick. If a game uses 2 buttons, then it will add button 2, and so on.
- To Exit a game, press the Exit Game button (this requires the trackball to be connected and working). You can alternatively HOLD the left pinball button closest to you and press the Player 1 Start button.
- Atari 2600 Games (see image): The Player 1 Start button acts like the Game Select button (usually used to change the game mode), the Player 2 start button acts like the Game Reset button which means the Player 2 Start button is the Start game button. So for 2-player games you would use Player 1 Start button to select a 2-player game mode, and then start the game with the Player 2 Start button. Button 1 is the only button needed to interact in the games once you've started.
- VOLUME: The primary way to adjust the sound is the sound adjustment found on the wall inside by opening the coin door. There is a green light on the control when it has power and is switched on, the volume power on/off switch is located on the front of it near the headphone jack. (See the Advanced Operation section below for other ways to adjust volume if needed.)
- Lights: To operate the lights, open the control panel and use the included remote control to aim at the IR receiver. The white cable coming off of the white box has the IR receiver on the end of it, so if it is not working make sure it is visible (not pushed down into the hole in the center).
- When you are all done playing, you can leave the cabinet running, or Tap (don't hold) the power button on the front of the PC and allow the PC to fully shut off. Then you can optionally turn off the main power on the back of the cabinet (or a power strip if you are using one). You can leave the main power on if you expect to play again in a few days, or power it off if you won't be playing again soon. See Advanced Power Options for other power options.
- See full list of other commands listed below.
Maximus Arcade GUI Button Layout:
Function: | X-Arcade |
Scroll Up | Joy Up |
Scroll Down | Joy Down |
Scroll Left | Joy Left |
Scroll Right | Joy Right |
Page Up | Joy Left |
Page Down | Joy Right |
Page Up Letter | Button 2 |
Page Down Letter | Button 5 |
Select | Start 1 or Button 1 |
Previous Menu | Button 4 |
Insert Coins (in game) | Left Pinball button (closest to you) |
Start Game (after coins inserted) | Start 1 or Start 2 |
Exit Game (return to Maximus) | Exit Button (older models: Left Pinball + Start 1) |
Master Volume | There is a volume control inside/behind the coin door |
Raise Volume* | Hold Start 2 + Joy1 Up |
Lower Volume* | Hold Start 2 + Joy1 Down |
Favorites* | Button 3, then press Select Button (button 1) |
Add Favorite* | Button 6 |
Put PC to sleep* | Hold Start 2 + Press Right Pinball (closest to you) |
Reboot PC* | Hold Start 2 + Press Left Pinball(closest to you) |
*Disabled when in Presentation Mode.
Advanced Operation:
- SOUND: The primary way to adjust the sound is the sound adjustment in the coin door opening. While outside of a game (in any menu) you can also hold the Exit button and move the Player 1 joystick up and down to raise and lower the volume even more.
Alternative Volume control: If you need it to go louder still, go to options in Maximus by pressing RCtrl+P (Right-Control + P) while in a menu (not in game), then go to the Controller tab, then the Menus subtab. Next to Volume menu put in a value (for example the letter v). Save that when it asks (overwrite original), and now when in a menu press the v key to open the volume menu. You can press left and right on the arrow keys to adjust volume, v key again to close the menu.
For MAME games you can adjust the volume by pressing the ' key (key above Tab key normally) and adjust using left/right arrows on the keyboard. For some games (such as Rampage World Tour and Mortal Kombat games), the - and = keys can be used to raise or lower the in-game volume. - Dragon's Lair -, how to play: You only use the joystick and button 1.
- Screensaver and Sleep settings.
- Scanline feature is on by default which makes the games look more like they did on an original CRT monitor. You can disable/enable it, to do so (while outside of a game only) hold the Exit button (or 2 on your keyboard) and press F1 to enable it or F2 to disable it.
- Adding MAME™ Arcade Game ROMs
- Reassigning a Games Controls
- Q*Bert (if you have it) is a 4-way game where the joystick was mounted in an X mount. There is no way to make a diagonal (in other words 2 keys pressed at once) to be a direction to compensate. So to play it you will want play it with that in mind, Up=up-right, Down=down-left, Left=up-left, and Right=down-right.
- For any games that say "Reset to Factory Defaults" or similar, simply hit the F2 button on your keyboard. You will only have to do this once.
- Advanced Power Options for X-Arcade Cabinets
- To add a game console to your Machine, you will need to purchase a Console X-Adapter for whichever console you wish to use. You will use the A/B/C/D serial switchbox to switch the controls between the PC and console (plug the console adapter into C on the box). Audio and video will be changed on your TV.
- To delete the game save states and delete all of your games high scores, hold the Exit button (or 2 on your keyboard) and press End on your keyboard.
- Backup: If you wish to create a backup of your arcade software in case something should go wrong, you only need to back up the folder C:\Max 2.10\ to an external hard drive.
- If the light on the control panel is not illuminated, the joysticks and buttons will not work. Make sure the A/B/C/D switchbox is set to A, the serial connection is connected firmly to the back of the Tankstick, and that the USB connection with purple end next to it is plugged into a USB port on the back of the PC. If you still don't get a light, try switching the switchbox to B and then back to A. (if this continues to happen see solution here). Also make sure that the control panel switch on the PCB inside the control panel is set to mode 1 (closest to the yellow wire on the switch).
- Controls don't work correctly: Check that the control panel switch on the PCB inside the control panel is set to mode 1 (closest to the yellow wire on the switch). For further troubleshooting see: Button or Joystick is sticking or not working?
- Game lag, sound skipping: Firstly, make sure you have your TV in "Game" mode to reduce display lag. The PCs display resolution needs to be 720p, the game software will set it to this automatically. If the PC is set higher (such as 1080p) it will cause the games to lag because the scanlines feature is very CPU intensive, so don't change it. If the video doesn't fit the screen, see 'Picture Size: Screen Scaling' below. You can also disable the scanlines feature, to do so (while outside of a game only) hold the Exit button (or 2 on your keyboard) and press F1 to enable it or F2 to disable it. Also make sure none of the vents on the PC are being blocked.
- The PC is rebooting or sleeping when trying to play: Notice the function list above has commands for rebooting the PC or putting it to sleep. Either you are pressing this combo, otherwise check again that the control panel switch on the PCB inside the control panel is set to mode 1 (closest to the yellow wire on the switch).
- No sound: The sound adjustment control can be found inside the coin door, it is the primary way to adjust the sound. There is a green light on the control when it has power and is switched on, the power on/off switch is located on the front of it near the headphone jack. Make sure the power is plugged into the subwoofer in the rear and that the power switch is on. Also check to make sure you have the green audio cable plugged into the green audio port of the PC (typically the center port). If the sound jack is plugged in while the PC is on, you will need to reboot it before it will work. If you still have trouble, exit to Windows and make sure the PC is not muted.
- Video is cut off at the top and bottom: While outside of a game only, hold the Player 2 Start button (or 2 on your keyboard) and press F2, and then try a game again.
- To test your control panel; first run the game Dragon's Lair from the Daphne menu, hold the Exit button and press T on your keyboard. When done testing, press Escape on your keyboard to go back to the game software, then use the exit game button as usual to go back to the list of games. - Alternative method: Exit Maximus to Windows; while in the menus (not in a game) on the keyboard hold RCtrl (Ctrl key on right-side of keyboard) and press Q. The test program is on the desktop.
- Exit game button not working: Make sure the trackball is plugged in and working as it uses a trackball button to exit games.
- Invalid Locations error.
- If you upgrade Windows (not recommended) you will need to reinstall the registry file to make Maximus boot with Windows. To do this, exit Maximus to Windows by holding Right Ctrl and pressing Q on the keyboard. Then you will need to go to the directory "C:\MAX 2.10\! Restore Default Prefs\" and run the file called "Registry Shell". You will also need to re-input the Maximus Registration code.
- Screen is flipping sideways or upside-down when I play?
- No Power or complete power loss: Make sure the power switch on the back of the cabinet is on, as well as the power strip inside. In the AC Inlet on the back of the cabinet there is a fuse holder between the rocker switch and AC Inlet. There are 2x 250V 10A 20mm fuses in this holder, one is a spare. It's important to get a flat head that goes under the lip and that you bring it from the side that is in the pictures.
- Door Adjustment: If your cabinet door is rubbing or difficult to open/close you can adjust the hinges multiple ways to better align it. Here is a video explaining how to do so. It only takes a very small amount of adjustment.
- Scratches and wood repair
- X-Arcade™ Control Panel Manual
- X-Arcade Coin Door Manual
Picture Size: Screen Scaling
Some HDTVs will have part of the picture cut off the screen (overscan), or doesn't fill the whole screen. Many TVs will have an option under Settings either called 'Screen Fit', '1:1', 'Just Scan', or 'Dot by Dot'. Your remote may have a button to change this called 'Format', 'P.size' or 'View Mode'.If changing the picture on your TV doesn't solve the problem, you will need to set the PC to 'Maintain Display Scaling'. There are 2 ways to do this:
Option 1:
- Go to Daphne and start Dragon's Lair. Ignore the game, hold the Exit Game button and tap F5 on your keyboard.
- Next on your keyboard press Ctrl+Alt+F11 and choose 'Maintain Display Scaling'.*
- Press the Exit Game button again to go back to the software, and you are all set. You should only need to do this once.
Option 2:
- Exit the game software to Windows; while in the menus (not in a game) by pressing and holding the keyboard RCtrl (Right-side Ctrl key) and pressing Q.
- Right-click anywhere on the Desktop and choose 'Graphics Options'>'Resolution' and set it to 1280x720.
- Right-click anywhere on the Desktop again and choose 'Graphics Options'>'Panel fit'> and click on 'Maintain Display Scaling' (see image on the right, click to enlarge).*
- Reboot the PC to get back to the game software.
* If the 'Maintain Display Scaling' option is not there, you may want to open Device Manager (right-click on the Start button), click the arrow next to 'Display adapters' and choose 'Update Driver'. Choose the 'Search automatically' option and allow it a while to update the display driver.

If you notice that the Maintain Display Scaling doesn't stick when you reboot the PC (or restart the Maximus software), open Maximus Preferences by hitting Right Ctrl+P, go to 'Interface' tab, and uncheck 'Change monitor resolution based on these settings'.