The X-Arcade Arcade2TV-XR Configuration Tool, a Windows-based application, enables users to tailor the keys and actions of their Arcade2TV-XR. This segment guides you through the software's interface and usage.


Downloading and Installing the Software


1. Download: Please download the latest software and firmware. (Software download link)

2. Installation: Follow the on-screen instructions in the installer to complete the software setup.

3. Initialization: Launch the X-Arcade Arcade2TV-XR Configuration Tool. Upon connecting the Arcade2TV-XR, the software will display the driver mode and relevant UI.

4. Customization: You can now begin customizing the key mappings across different modes for a personalized gaming experience.

Software Features and Functions:

  • Firmware Upgrade: Use this feature to update the Arcade2TV-XR's firmware. Download the latest version from the X-Arcade website.
  • Factory Reset: Resets the Arcade2TV-XR to its original settings, erasing all custom mappings.
  • Save Configuration: After remapping controls, use this to save your configurations.
  • Product Name: Indicates the driver name of the Arcade2TV-XR.
  • Current Mode: Displays the active driver mode of the Arcade2TV-XR.
  • Firmware Version: Located in the bottom left corner, it shows the current firmware version of the Arcade2TV-XR.

Remap in Keyboard Mode


1. Input Key Selection: Select an INPUT key in section 1 for remapping.

2. Assigning Keyboard/Mouse Key: Click on a keyboard key in section 2 or a Mouse key or movement direction in section 3 to assign it to the chosen INPUT. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to remap additional keys as needed.

3. Save Configuration: Once remapping is complete, click 'Save Configuration' to store the new mappings in the firmware.


Remap in DINPUT Mode


1. Input Key Selection: In section 1, select the INPUT key you want to remap.

2. Assigning Gamepad/Mouse Action: Click on a gamepad or mouse action in section 3 or 2 to assign it to your chosen INPUT key. Complete this step for each key remap. Repeat this process to remap additional keys as necessary.

3. Saving Changes: After completing the remapping, click 'Save Configuration' to save your changes. Your new key  mappings will be stored in the firmware.


Remap in Xinput Mode


Currently not available.